Thursday, January 20, 2011

You know you're on Team 1700 when...

1. You're a girl (unless you are a mentor, in which case you may be a boy)
2. You have seen "Baby Monkey Riding Backwards on a Pig"
3. You eat over half of your meals at Castilleja
4. Spending 12 hours of your day at school is normal
5. When someone says Free Willy, Shamu, Moby Dick, or Physeter, you think of pneumatic actuators. And you know to which one she is referring...
6. "Can you get me a bag of chips?" really means "can you throw food over the wall for me?"
7. The only time you see boys is at robotics competitions...

Add more in the comments!


Annie said...

You forgot Baby Beluga!

When the lights go out at 8:00 on the dot.

Anonymous said...

your shoes have bits of duct tape stuck to them

Anonymous said...

you pray to the Autodesk god(s).

Anonymous said...

You are ready to kill anyone who sings The Bed Intruder Song one more time.

Anonymous said...

The number of computers in the room exceeds the number of people.